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探索非洲海岸飞行面条怪兽 African coast Flying Spaghetti Mons

时间:2015-09-18 23:47 来源:世界风俗网-网络收集 作者:秩名 阅读:

据英国《逐日邮报》8月12日报道,非洲安哥拉海岸四面日前惊现相同水母的深海生物,被戏称为“航行的面条怪兽”(Flying Spaghetti Monster)。


研究职员以为,该生物现实上是一种管水母目生物,学名Bathyphysa conifera。国度海洋研究中心已经与近海石油和自然气公司睁开相助,网络ROV拍摄到的相同视频。管水母目生物的家属很大,包罗珊瑚和水母,它们不属于单体生物,现实上是由成千上万的生物组合而成。

according to the British "Daily Mail" August 12, reports, near the coast of Angola recently discovered jellyfish like creatures of the deep, dubbed the "Flying Spaghetti Monster" (Flying Spaghetti Monster).

The creature was found in the 1219 meter deep sea of the Atlantic, the British Petroleum Corporation (BP), the oil rig, ROV, and its body has numerous appendages. Staff on the end is what is very confused, and finally named flying noodles monster". Now, the video has been sent to the National Marine Research Center in Southampton, UK, for more scientific recognition.

The researchers think, the creature is actually a mesh tube jellyfish creatures, Bathyphysa conifera. The National Center for ocean research has collaborated with offshore Oil Natural Gas Corp to collect similar video from ROV. The family, which is a family of corals and jellyfish, is not a single organism, but a combination of thousands of creatures.

